250 Lettuce every 5 weeks from the "Parking Space" model. Food security & business.
The Protein part of the system and the supplier of nutrients for the plants.
Cucumbers, whether the usual English variety or high value pickling kind.
A 300m2 Commercial operation produces the same qty as a 4ha farm, in less time.
Root vegetables such as Beetroot simply impossible in other Aquaculture systems.
Unlike similar systems, multiple crops can be grown. Tomato's just keep producing.
Speciality lettuce, florishing in the system, opens new markets to farmers.
Hi-Value Crops such as Basil, enable farmers to earn more from their labour.
Giant 700g+ Head
Propagating our own seeds from the heirloom and traditional seed banks.
FMCG Buyers visit our pilot project, immediatly order all they could produce.
Using Organic and Heirloom seeds, in a closed system ensures the bio-security is intact.
Suitable for all locations, no matter the quality of the land, resources or skill level.
Niche markets and Innovation are a cornerstone of our philosophy.
Training includes introducing new ideas and helping people to succeed.